Frequently Asked Questions

Why choose Eleven fireworks?
A Eleven fireworks display is a long-remembered emotional experience that titillates your senses: the "whoomp" of a shell shooting through the heavens flip-flopping your stomach with rushing butterflies; the sprays and splatters of colour and light filling your vision, the "booms and bangs" rocking your feet; the pulsation of power and force surging through your body, the gasps, "oohs" and "aahs" of sheer amazement.
Your audience will be spellbound by the sheer wonderment of a elevan fireworks display. We have put on more than 100 productions each year. We have fired displays on land, on sea, in the middle of a lake, from the tops of buildings and in indoor venues. We are one of the few companies that can provide a full indoor display and outdoor fireworks display choreographed to music.

What dose a fireworks Display Cost?
How much have you got?
But seriously there is no real limit to the cost of a show It could range from a few hundred dollars to many thousands.
The best approach is to consider the size of your audience and venue then discus your ideas with us.

when can we light fireworks?
All year as long as you're on private property and have the owners consent.